How to change wordpress username?

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Ever tried to change the wordpress username? It says no. As such wordpress dosent allow to change usernames. But there are of situations where you need to change the username.

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  1. You don’t want to use the default username ‘admin’ for security reasons.
  2. You misspelled a username and want to correct it.

But how do you do that. Below I list three methods to change wordpress username
Method 1:
You can use a plugin to change the username.
Method 2: (advanced users only)
You can directly edit the wordpress database from phpmyadmin window to change your username to desired one from ‘user_login’ column of ‘wp_users’ (or whatever prefix you used for the wordpress database) table. Always take a backup of your database before going for this method. Editing the wordpress database are recommended for advanced users only. And I am not sure if there is any drawback for this method.
Method 3:
But I prefer the third method.
Change the email address associated with the username you want to change. (If you want to use the same username).

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  1. Create a new user with your desired username and old email address.
  2. Assign all posts of the old username to the new username. You can do it from the bulk edit post section.
  3. Login with the new username and password.
  4. Delete the old user with the old username.


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Now you have your account with new username, but still uses your old email id and all your posts are assigned to the new user.
I suggest this method because it is safe and no need to directly edit database. And don’t worry, even though we created a new extra user, at the end you have one user only because we are deleting the old user.

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