HTML Quotation

HTML Quotation

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Quotation and Citations are used to quote something from another source or website. In this chapter we will see some Quotation and Citation elements available in Html.

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Short Quotations

<q> is the tag used to create a short Quotation in Html. Browsers usually insert a quotations mark around the <q> element. As the name suggest it is usually used to quote a small text or sentence from another source.


Thomas Edison said <q> There is no substitute for hard work</q>.


Thomas Edison said There is no substitute for hard work.

Html Blockquote

Html blockquote is used whenever you want to quote a passage from another source. The tag used is <blockquote>…..</blockquote>

Browsers usually indent the text inside the <blockquote> element from left and right edges of the surrounding text and sometimes an italized font is used.


<p>The following text is taken from the Wikipedia website</p>
<blockquote>Wikipedia – a free, web-based, collaborative and multilingual encyclopedia project supported by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. </blockquote>


The following text is taken from the Wikipedia website

Wikipedia – a free, web-based, collaborative and multilingual encyclopedia project supported by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation.

Text Citation

If you are quoting text you can indicate the source by in-between the opening <cite> and closing </cite> tag. Browsers usually display the content of <cite> element in italic font style.


<p>The <cite></cite> is a website providing information about Tourist spots in Kerala</p>


The is a website providing information about Tourist spots in Kerala

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Html Text Abbreviation

The Html <abbr> tag is used to abbreviate a text. You can abbreviate a text by putting it inside the <abbr>…..</abbr> tags. The <abbr> tag contain the attribute title and if the <abbr> tag is present then the title attribute must contain the full text and description and nothing else. Marking abbreviations can give useful information to browsers, translation systems and search-engines.


<p>The head quarters of <abbr title="United Nations Organization">UNO</abbr> is at New York City<p>


The head quarters of UNO is at New York City

Html Address Text

Html also has an option to add address text. The Html <addresss> element is used to define contact information (author/owner). Usually the address text is displayed in italic and most browsers add a line break before and after the element.


   228C, <br>
   Megha Appartment,<br>


Megha Appartment,

Html Bi-Directional Override

In Html you can override the current text direction using the <bdo> element.


<p>This text will be written from left to right.</p>
<p><bdo dir = "rtl">This text will be written from right to left.</bdo></p>


This text will be written from left to right.

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This text will be written from right to left.

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